Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Break Out!!!!!! (An Oldie but Goodie!)

I consider myself to be a good, safe driver, possessing the ability not only to expedite the trip, and do so in a safe manner. I am often faced with the frustration of driving in the fast lane, but getting stuck behind drivers who are in the fast lane and refuse to drive at an appropriate speed.

One may ask, what is so revelatory about getting stuck behind slow drivers in the fast lane? My point is this. Driving in the fast lane on the highway and in life have both the risk and the reward. The risks may include getting a ticket from the police, having an accident (if you're not paying attention), getting a flat tire (blowout) or stalling. However, the reward generally is this. You get to where you're going quicker than the people who choose to drive at a slower pace.

To me this metaphor is two-fold. Part one: If you fail to equip yourself with the necessary things to get to your destination you will always have problems on the road of life. You must read your owners manual, pay attention for debris, stalled cars, slow drivers and accidents in the road. You must also have your mirrors set correctly, so you may see and hazards to your rear and on your sides. You must also check your gas gauge, tire pressure, coolant and other fluids, and most importantly, make sure that your battery is operational and connected. In life we must first have a connection to (relationship with) God, which is first and foremost. After that, we must remember to read the Bible (our Life Manual) that God has given to us to guide us through any and every situation. We must not forsake to attend church (our filling station) to be edified, encouraged, built up, taught, and healed. Also, discernment must be used, to keep watch for attacks to come from our enemy.

Part two: For everyone that feels stuck in a slow lane, or behind people that are blocking you from accelerating to the speed that you desire, don't be afraid to break out!! Whether that means you switch lanes to pass them, or you have to flash them over, break out from your current speed… Accelerate to where you know you should be. There are no boundaries to your success on the road. The reward is greater than the risk! Break Out!!!
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