Thursday, October 17, 2013

Steal, Kill, or Destroy…

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10

Steal: take (another person's property) without permission or legal right and without intending to return it.

Kill: 1 to cause the death of (a person, animal, or other living              thing.)

        2 To put an end to, or cause the failure or defeat of a thing.

Destroy: 1 put an end to the existence of (something) by damaging or attacking it.

                 2 ruin (someone) emotionally or spiritually

Of all the times that I had read this scripture, the way that I understood what it is ACTUALLY saying, was flawed, as I believe many people have also viewed this passage. It would seem that first, there are different levels of consequence when it comes to the way that satan attempts to approach us. This could not be further from the truth!! No matter the difference in verbiage, the common denominator with all three of these terms is FINALITY.

If one were to try to put these words in order, in terms of (seeming) severity, I imagine kill and destroy might tie for first place, then stealing. In fact, each term was specifically used by Jesus to illustrate an inherent danger, of identical magnitude!

It goes like this. If Satan can steal from you, whether it is your purpose, your destiny, your direction, your fire, your zeal, or your material possessions, he has no need to physically kill you anyway. You’re ALREADY dead to him… you are not affecting the kingdom of darkness. This paints stealing in a much more ominous light… Concerning the other two, they are equally as malignant!

THIS is the end game of our enemy.  He wants to eradicate you, or anything in you, or concerning you that will be of threat to his kingdom! Some things can come by way of our physicality (what we see before us), and other things may be of a more proverbial nature. All in all, satan will use any route to try to invalidate what God has placed in you, for His Glory and Greatness.

DO NOT ALLOW satan to win!! He is limited in power, and can only touch you if God says so (Job). Do not be IGNORANT of satan’s devices (2 Corinthians 2:11). When you think he comes one way, he may be trying a multitude of ways to knock you off. Knowing the ways he will attempt to defeat you will give you an instant advantage. Hosea 4:6 says, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge!

Know your enemy, know how is coming at you, and KNOW GOD’s WORD!! YOU WIN!!!

Friday, September 27, 2013

The REAL Danger of Pornography!! FINAL - THE PRAYER!!

The REAL Danger of Pornography!!

Part 4 – THE FIX

In Mark 9:29, our Lord Jesus replied to one of His disciples that some spirits can only come out by fasting and prayer. If you truly seek deliverance from the spirits of lust, pornography and sexual abuse, there are some things that need to happen.

First, you MUST rid yourself of every portal through which satan may tempt you. That means any and ALL pornographic pictures, magazines, videos, DVD’s, and any other paraphernalia of a sexual nature must be thrown out, immediately! This act of FAITH is a sign to yourself, and more importantly to GOD, that you are ready to receive HIS best for your life, and ready to change.

One you’ve cleaned house, here is a prayer to pray:

Father, in the matchless and superior name of Jesus, I ask that you forgive my sin in the area of pornography, perversion, and lust. Your Word says in 1st John 1:9 that “If I confess my sins to you, that You are faithful and just to forgive me, and will clean me from ALL wickedness.”
Father, I believe Your Word, and I believe that you will remove my sin from me, as far as the east is from the west.

I renounce, rebuke, and bind all of the spirits of perversion, lust and pornography that come to kill me, steal from me, and destroy me, in THE NAME OF JESUS!! Satan has no power in my life, and no authority to torment me any longer, from this day forward.  I curse these evil, sexually perverse spirits, and send the back to the pit of hell, NOW, IN JESUS name!!

The curse is removed from my life, and I walk in new freedom in You Father, from this day forward. I ask that you cover my mind, body, and spirit with the BLOOD OF JESUS. I close and padlock every spiritual door that has been open, in Jesus name, AMEN.

You’re Free!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From this point on, it is imperative that you protect your eyes, ears, and spirit man. Turning off the television is a great way to garner strength. Reading your bible incessantly will also help to strengthen you spirit, so that you can withstand an attack from satan. You CAN do this... God created you to be able to STAND!

Peace & Love

The REAL Danger of Pornography!! Part 3

In part 2, we left off with the understanding that after SEED is deposited into the WOMB, there is fertilization, then CELLULAR MITOSIS…

A brief description of cellular mitosis is the splitting or division of cells, which double incrementally with each split… Let’s juxtapose this in the SPIRIT.

The evil seed, being originated and influenced by demonic intent, is deposited, fertilized, and begins to grow inside the (Spiritual and Natural) womb of the woman. At this point, nature takes off, on a crash course with destiny. Unless a miscarriage takes place, EVENTUALLY THERE WILL BE BIRTH!! Can you imagine what is birthed from the seed of these evil, pornographic demonic spirits?!!!!!

Now, let us rewind for a moment. Before birth, there must be INCUBATION. Incubation is the process by which an embryo (fertilized egg) is nourished inside of woman, aiding in its health and grown. The end game of incubation is so that birth can take place… And here’s a scary thought: The woman is forced to walk around nurturing, and CARRYING the progeny of demonic, lustful,  and selfish pornographic spirits…

Would YOU want your Mother, Sister, Wife or YOURSELF to carry around satan’s child, whether spiritually, or naturally?

Part 4 is THE FIX!! Keep reading…

Thursday, September 26, 2013

The REAL Danger of Pornography!! Part 2

-->When we left in Part 1, we learned that what pornography is and does in opposition to God’s ordained relationship interactions. Now here is the next nugget…

The images that our eyes see are emblazoned onto our brains. When we see graphic images of sexual misuse and abuse, they are understandably difficult to erase from the brain. The images are actually scarring your brain!

In motion, a man will generally have some sort of visualization from pornographic images prior to (as the catalyst for sexual involvement) sex, or during sex. What this equates to is the man channeling demonic, perverse energy to stimulate sexual intercourse. Seems harmless enough, right? The answer is NO!!

As the man begins to penetrate the woman, both physically and spiritually (sex IS both physical and spiritual), spiritual seed AND natural seed are being deposited into the womb of the woman. This ominous and perverted seed will then fertilize the waiting egg. What happens next? 

Cellular Mitosis….

Stay tuned for part 3!!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The REAL Danger of Pornography!! Part 1


I must first preface this word with a little information. To be able to understand and receive what the Spirit is saying, one must comprehend a couple of things.

1. Men are seed carriers, and penetrators. This has both natural and spiritual significance.

2. Women have a unique, and dualistic ability, which is God-given. They were made to be able to receive seed, incubate, and give birth. There are also spiritual and natural ramifications here as well.

Now that we have established that fact, one can begin to understand why pornography is so dangerous, both in the spirit and in the natural. One thing that I have learned is that one of the tricks of satan is to take things that God created, and pervert them as much as possible. After this perversion is implemented, he then tries to pass the perversion off as the real thing. As the natural, right, normal, and Godly thing… this could not be further from the truth.

What pornography does is take the God-given desires for affection and intimate contact, and turn them on their heads. Pornography is no more than a demonic, lustful perversion of God’s gift of love, intimacy, and sex in the MARITAL covenant; and offers a quick, yet deficient substitution.

The NATURAL desires between a HUSBAND and WIFE for that love, affection, and intimate contact, which COME FROM GOD, are replaced with faceless, empty invasions of lust, selfishness, and demonic sexual acts. Instead of one’s SPOUSE being the object of the other’s desire, there is only lust, and selfishness. This can be recognized by “Finish First” syndrome…. But the danger goes DEEPER. Stay tuned for part 2!!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Your Favorite Rapper in NOT Iluminati!!!

I realize posting has the potential to get me in a spot of trouble, but I have to speak truth, and in that truth, I HAVE NO FEAR.

Disinformation - |disˌinfərˈmā sh ən|


False information that is intended to mislead, esp. propaganda issued by a government organization to a rival power or the media.

I have recently noticed something in our media that that has given me pause, and made me shudder. There is a growing onslaught of people who are assuming and purporting that many of our favorite celebrities, musicians, and actors are involved with the "Illuminati." There has been growing admiration for both the "associated" celebrities, as well as for the Illuminati, much to my chagrin.

I am here to open your eyes!! I am by no means an expert on the subject of the Illuminati, however, I have read many books, and studied many documentaries on the subject. From them, I have learned this:

The real people in the Illuminati are the elite. Who are these elite that I speak of? Well, one way that you can tell who the real elite are is by this precursor: They generally will NEVER allow themselves to be spotlighted in the media. These people that I speak of, remain as hidden as possible. Remember, real power moves in silence, and not just audibly, but in every way the word applies.

Those that are truly in the Illuminati believe that they have little to nothing in common with the general public, and have a severe hatred for the general population. The want to eliminate most of the world's population, including your favorite rapper/actor/celebrity. Herein lies the trick, and the diversion from the truth... By allowing the public to believe that their favorite celebrities are in fact a part of the Illuminati,  a sense of harmlessness becomes associated with the Illuminati. We think, "if Jay-Z is in the Illuminati, and he's married to Beyonce´,  and such a great father to Blue, then the Illuminati CAN NOT BE BAD."

Unfortunately, this can not be farther from the truth. The only common link between many of these figureheads, and the real power, is satan! These people are satanic, and that is the ONLY common denominator. Please know that these people hate you. If you're poor, not considered royalty, or black, they DEFINITELY don't want you...

They are using the aforementioned.... To desensitize the public to this ominous faction and their nefarious deeds. WAKE UP!
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