Friday, September 27, 2013

The REAL Danger of Pornography!! Part 3

In part 2, we left off with the understanding that after SEED is deposited into the WOMB, there is fertilization, then CELLULAR MITOSIS…

A brief description of cellular mitosis is the splitting or division of cells, which double incrementally with each split… Let’s juxtapose this in the SPIRIT.

The evil seed, being originated and influenced by demonic intent, is deposited, fertilized, and begins to grow inside the (Spiritual and Natural) womb of the woman. At this point, nature takes off, on a crash course with destiny. Unless a miscarriage takes place, EVENTUALLY THERE WILL BE BIRTH!! Can you imagine what is birthed from the seed of these evil, pornographic demonic spirits?!!!!!

Now, let us rewind for a moment. Before birth, there must be INCUBATION. Incubation is the process by which an embryo (fertilized egg) is nourished inside of woman, aiding in its health and grown. The end game of incubation is so that birth can take place… And here’s a scary thought: The woman is forced to walk around nurturing, and CARRYING the progeny of demonic, lustful,  and selfish pornographic spirits…

Would YOU want your Mother, Sister, Wife or YOURSELF to carry around satan’s child, whether spiritually, or naturally?

Part 4 is THE FIX!! Keep reading…

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