I must first preface this
word with a little information. To be able to understand and receive what the
Spirit is saying, one must comprehend a couple of things.
1. Men are seed carriers,
and penetrators. This has both natural and spiritual significance.
2. Women have a unique, and
dualistic ability, which is God-given. They were made to be able to receive
seed, incubate, and give birth. There are also spiritual and natural
ramifications here as well.
Now that we have established
that fact, one can begin to understand why pornography is so dangerous, both in
the spirit and in the natural. One thing that I have learned is that one of the
tricks of satan is to take things that God created, and pervert them as much as
possible. After this perversion is implemented, he then tries to pass the perversion
off as the real thing. As the natural, right, normal, and Godly thing… this
could not be further from the truth.
What pornography does is take
the God-given desires for affection and intimate contact, and turn them on
their heads. Pornography is no more than a demonic, lustful perversion of God’s
gift of love, intimacy, and sex in the MARITAL covenant; and offers a quick,
yet deficient substitution.
The NATURAL desires between a
HUSBAND and WIFE for that love, affection, and intimate contact, which COME FROM
GOD, are replaced with faceless, empty invasions of lust, selfishness, and
demonic sexual acts. Instead of one’s SPOUSE being the object of the other’s
desire, there is only lust, and selfishness. This can be recognized by “Finish
First” syndrome…. But the danger goes DEEPER. Stay tuned for part 2!!
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