Thursday, September 26, 2013

The REAL Danger of Pornography!! Part 2

-->When we left in Part 1, we learned that what pornography is and does in opposition to God’s ordained relationship interactions. Now here is the next nugget…

The images that our eyes see are emblazoned onto our brains. When we see graphic images of sexual misuse and abuse, they are understandably difficult to erase from the brain. The images are actually scarring your brain!

In motion, a man will generally have some sort of visualization from pornographic images prior to (as the catalyst for sexual involvement) sex, or during sex. What this equates to is the man channeling demonic, perverse energy to stimulate sexual intercourse. Seems harmless enough, right? The answer is NO!!

As the man begins to penetrate the woman, both physically and spiritually (sex IS both physical and spiritual), spiritual seed AND natural seed are being deposited into the womb of the woman. This ominous and perverted seed will then fertilize the waiting egg. What happens next? 

Cellular Mitosis….

Stay tuned for part 3!!

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