Monday, September 16, 2013

Your Favorite Rapper in NOT Iluminati!!!

I realize posting has the potential to get me in a spot of trouble, but I have to speak truth, and in that truth, I HAVE NO FEAR.

Disinformation - |disˌinfərˈmā sh ən|


False information that is intended to mislead, esp. propaganda issued by a government organization to a rival power or the media.

I have recently noticed something in our media that that has given me pause, and made me shudder. There is a growing onslaught of people who are assuming and purporting that many of our favorite celebrities, musicians, and actors are involved with the "Illuminati." There has been growing admiration for both the "associated" celebrities, as well as for the Illuminati, much to my chagrin.

I am here to open your eyes!! I am by no means an expert on the subject of the Illuminati, however, I have read many books, and studied many documentaries on the subject. From them, I have learned this:

The real people in the Illuminati are the elite. Who are these elite that I speak of? Well, one way that you can tell who the real elite are is by this precursor: They generally will NEVER allow themselves to be spotlighted in the media. These people that I speak of, remain as hidden as possible. Remember, real power moves in silence, and not just audibly, but in every way the word applies.

Those that are truly in the Illuminati believe that they have little to nothing in common with the general public, and have a severe hatred for the general population. The want to eliminate most of the world's population, including your favorite rapper/actor/celebrity. Herein lies the trick, and the diversion from the truth... By allowing the public to believe that their favorite celebrities are in fact a part of the Illuminati,  a sense of harmlessness becomes associated with the Illuminati. We think, "if Jay-Z is in the Illuminati, and he's married to Beyonce´,  and such a great father to Blue, then the Illuminati CAN NOT BE BAD."

Unfortunately, this can not be farther from the truth. The only common link between many of these figureheads, and the real power, is satan! These people are satanic, and that is the ONLY common denominator. Please know that these people hate you. If you're poor, not considered royalty, or black, they DEFINITELY don't want you...

They are using the aforementioned.... To desensitize the public to this ominous faction and their nefarious deeds. WAKE UP!

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